"She loves it so much she loved one of the ears off already"
LOL LOL LOL That was so funny! :-)
When Abbey (RIP) was a puppy she loved some kitchen cupboard doors off :-) Oh, and she also tried to love a handle off my frying pan. I still have it - teeth marks an' all.
Kate (keep wanting to say Katie for some reason) looks lovely and cuddly.
Katie is a very lovely dog, if she knows you already. It took her 15 minutes of barking/growling and 3 big pieces of ham just get her to let my friend Dan pet her. She's a bit high-strung. Hmmm, wonder who she gets that from. :D
Sounds like Abbey loved even more things than Katie! :D
"She loves it so much she loved one of the ears off already"
LOL LOL LOL That was so funny! :-)
When Abbey (RIP) was a puppy she loved some kitchen cupboard doors off :-) Oh, and she also tried to love a handle off my frying pan. I still have it - teeth marks an' all.
Kate (keep wanting to say Katie for some reason) looks lovely and cuddly.
Ha! Just noticed you called her Katie in the title but Kate in the text. Thought I was losing my marbles for a second there ;-)
(easily confused - it's an age thing)
Katie is a very lovely dog, if she knows you already. It took her 15 minutes of barking/growling and 3 big pieces of ham just get her to let my friend Dan pet her. She's a bit high-strung. Hmmm, wonder who she gets that from. :D
Sounds like Abbey loved even more things than Katie! :D
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