Tuesday, December 2, 2008

all this cold makes me think of...


Cinnamon Bay in St. John.

I need to start putting a copyright watermark on my pics. I've been trying to come up with one. This is the best attempt thus far. Pretty lame, but will do for now.


OceanCruiserWannabe said...

Karen Kirkley Photography sounds cool and I really like the font you've used. The compass rose itself looks good too but I'm not so hot on the font for the N, S, E & W. Something just looks odd about it. Also, is the S in the second O of the word photography?

...All just my opinion of course :-)

OceanCruiserWannabe said...


Your photography is really, really good :-)

forcetenhurricane said...

Thanks, Keith. You have good taste in photography. :D

I took your advice and changed up my logo some. I will post the new one.
