Thursday, October 30, 2008

cool things

i got a raise today. it was unexpected and larger than usual. hell to the yeah!

another cool thing is the abundance of alien clipart on we use clipart at the paper I work at, along with other stock art services. but clipart is the only one with their own alien-specific artist. that's all this cat does is alien art.

anyway, tonight I will be celebrating my raise not unlike this alien...


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

2 thumbs down

I've ridden bikes for many years now. I ride in traffic a lot and am used to dealing with idiot drivers who think being enclosed in a metal box gives them the right to be complete assholes to everyone else around them, most especially cyclists. All these years of dealing with idiots has taught me a few things, and one of them is that it's best to let drivers know when they are being idiots, but not by giving them the finger, because that just brings it to the 'road rage' level. So my preferred method of letting them know they are being an asshole is to give them a big old 'thumbs down.' It lets them know I disapprove, but I'm not calling them a name or trying to incite violence. Seriously, when you almost KILL SOMEONE they have the right to let you know it happened. Otherwise, you just go on driving your loaded weapon threatening people at will. And that's just not cool.

More often than not people take offense to my thumbs down. Like today. Coming back from lunch a car passes me and then makes a right turn directly in front of me, causing me to have to hit my brakes hard to avoid hitting the car. It was a woman driver (almost all the ones that try to kill me are women, WTF?)and I saw her look in her rear view mirrow after she ALMOST KILLED ME and so I throw her a nice big thumbs down, actually a series of thumbs down, so she gets the point that she ALMOST KILLED ME. So what really gets me is that as she sees me giving her my friendly symbol (trust me on this, I really want to flip her off, I mean fuck her, she just tried to kill me!) she hits her brakes to slow down, like she's gonna confront me or something. Oh lady, pleeeeease stop your car just once and confront me....pretty please....cause I have a LOT to say about it. But no, she just taps the brakes because that's all she has the guts to do in her big metal box. I wish just once one of these drivers who ALMOST KILLS ME on my bicycle would just stop and discuss it with me. Again, I have lots to say about it.

People use their cars like loaded weapons. The next time someone ALMOST KILLS ME on my bicycle I'd like to make them ride the bike and let me take the car and do to them what they just did to me. And then when they are unable to refrain from using the middle finger (unlike myself) then I can threaten them with my big metal car.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

i feel like ralph


Phil: What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?

Ralph: That about sums it up for me.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

my life still sucks

but i hate it less today.

it really does make you feel bad when almost none of your dreams have been realized. when you have a dead-end job. no love life and no prospects. and are anti-social (not by choice) to boot. i feel like life is picking on me half the time. and it doesn't help when your emotions tend to resemble a roller coaster. but at least that means i'll be up again soon.

i need to leave this town. i feel uncomfortable here, not in my element. trapped! i'm supposed to live near the ocean. but i'm stuck here for longer than i care to even think about.

and i miss my best friend Ken! when you're like me you don't make close friends easily. he's the best one i've ever had and you're supposed to be near your close friends. i miss you, Ken. :(

Monday, October 20, 2008

i hate my life

that pretty much sums it up for me

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm restoring a fiberglass boat....

...and am severely allergic to fiberglass. WTF! It's pissin' me off.

My arms got all hivey so I went to the doctor. He gave me a round of steroids and daily Zyrtec. The steroids wiped them out! Yay! So this weekend I took some better precautions and did not get anywhere near the boat without long sleeves. I guess the the gap in the cuffs on my shirt let some in, cause after doing some minor fiberglassing this weekend...BAM!!! I'm all hivey again. It's my new word, hivey. It means all eat up with hives. Did I mention it was pissin' me off? I mean, WTF am I supposed to do now? Ahhhh! I have all this time and money and dreams invested in the sailboat I'm restoring. Ahhhhh!

I researched and Dupont makes a Tyvek suit that is supposed to keep it off your skin, but at this point I believe I've coated my entire hometown in fiberglass dust, thereby making me allergic to Minden. I think I will move to Florida soon and think about a wooden boat, or perhaps figure out a way to afford a fiberglass one that doesn't need a lot of work.

In the meantime, I have 2 Tyvek suits. If this allergy persists and the Tyvek suit doesn't work well enough, I believe I am up shit creek without a paddle, in a sinking boat without a bilge pump...